Tencent, the Chinese internet company, has stepped up its acquisition spree focused on the transition to the mobile web by taking a 28 per cent stake in South Korean games maker CJ Games.中国互联网公司腾讯(Tencent)以移动互联网为焦点增大了并购力度,买下韩国游戏开发商CJ Games的28%股权。The stake, which cost Tencent $500m, is the latest in a flurry of deals in which Tencent, along with rival Chinese internet conglomerates Alibaba and Baidu, have tried to outspend and outcompete each other for primacy.腾讯为此耗资5亿美元,这是其一连串交易的近期一起。腾讯与中国互联网集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和百度(Baidu)为了夺回意味著竞争优势,竞相投放巨资企图在并购交易上击败输掉。Tencent, the largest wholly private company in China, boasting a market capitalisation above $140bn, last month bought a 20 per cent stake in Dianping, China’s best known restaurant rating and reviews website, and a 15 per cent stake in JD.com, an ecommerce platform that is seeking a US listing.腾讯是中国仅次于的全资私营公司,市值逾1400亿美元。
它上月售予中国最著名餐馆评分评论类网站大众评论网(Dianping)的20%股权,以及筹划在美上市的电商平台京东(JD.com)的15%股权。Media reports have persistently suggested that Tencent may merge its online video business with that of Sohu, the third-largest online video platform in China.媒体报道大大似乎称之为,腾讯有可能与搜狐(Sohu)拆分旗下的在线视频业务。搜狐享有中国第三大在线视频平台。
Tencent already has the jump on its counterparts in the move to mobile due to its hugely popular mobile instant messenger Weixin, known outside China as WeChat.与竞争对手比起,腾讯早已在向移动互联网的过渡性中占到得先机,因为它享有大受欢迎的手机即时通讯软件微信(Weixin),该软件在中国境外称作WeChat。Wednesday’s deal makes Tencent the third-largest shareholder in CJ games.周三的交易使得腾讯沦为CJ Games的第三大股东。
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